Are you concerned about climate? You are likely not the only person at your facility who is concerned about the climate. Ask around, talk to people. Form a Green Team (or a Climate Committee or Shomrei Adamah). It should become a standing committee with duties and responsibilities. It should be a new organization with a different assignment from other committees, although it may overlap with others. Do the community-organizing to find others in your community and start doing something about your climate concern. Be part of the solution and not the problem.
Nothing will change in an institution unless people work to make it happen!
- Identify several people who will be active and visible leaders for your organization’s emerging environmental efforts. A group of about five people with diverse skills, interests, and connections in the congregation (lay leaders, educators, building committee, activists, socially-concerned, engineers, tech) will be far more effective than one or two passionate advocates. Each person will have a part to play, to oversee, to motivate, and to encourage.
- Find out what interests people most. Explore the options available through JCAN. Set some preliminary and realistic goals for what you want to accomplish in the next year or so.
- Talk to your rabbi(s) or cantor, to find their level of awareness and interest. Affirm good things that are already being done by staff and members. Ask for the rabbi's help instead of making demands.
- Visit with key people on various boards and committees to find allies, learn about past programs, and offer your help. Encourage them to see the introduction of green ideas as a way to strengthen and renew their committee's work.
- The Green Team can go in different directions: advocacy and action, food and waste, ecosystems and water, transportation, divestment, carbon reduction, or personal action.
- Carbon reduction is essential and someone has to do it. It keeps the group moving, it needs tech and non-tech types, everyone learns, and it is a long-term issue.
- Learn about the JEWISH CALL TO CLIMATE ACTION: JCAN-MA AND MASSENERGIZE COLLABORATION LAUNCH. This exciting tool developed by MassEnergize enables and encourages individual and collective actions on climate change in synagogues and communities. Click here to learn more here.